Association Internationale des Forêts Méditerranéennes

Preserve, enhance value and transmit:
AIFM's mission

Our commitment to Mediterranean forests

The International Association of Mediterranean Forests (AIFM) is an organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of Mediterranean forests.

Our mission is structured around three major axes: preserveenhance value and transmit.

L'AIFM se donne pour mission de préserver les Forêts Méditerranéennes
Faced with the threats of climate change, fires and deforestation, AIFM is committed to improving forest resilience, restoring degraded ecosystems and protecting biodiversity.

Preserve: a unique ecosystem

AIFM works to promote the many services provided by forests, such as climate regulation, soil protection, wood production and recreational activities. We also encourage the development of sustainable forestry sectors and ecotourism.

Enhance the value: of a natural and cultural heritage

L'AIFM s'engage à transmettre les connaissances et les savoir-faire liés à la gestion durable des forêts aux générations futures
AIFM is committed to passing on knowledge and know-how related to sustainable forest management to future generations. We develop education and awareness programs for the general public, schools and professionals.

Transmit: a legacy for future generations

L'AIFM se donne pour mission de préserver les Forêts Méditerranéennes
Faced with the threats of climate change, fires and deforestation, AIFM is committed to improving forest resilience, restoring degraded ecosystems and protecting biodiversity.

Preserve: a unique ecosystem

AIFM works to promote the many services provided by forests, such as climate regulation, soil protection, wood production and recreational activities. We also encourage the development of sustainable forestry sectors and ecotourism.

Enhance the value: of a natural and cultural heritage

L'AIFM s'engage à transmettre les connaissances et les savoir-faire liés à la gestion durable des forêts aux générations futures
AIFM is committed to passing on knowledge and know-how related to sustainable forest management to future generations. We develop education and awareness programs for the general public, schools and professionals.

Transmit: a legacy for future generations

L'AIFM se donne pour mission de préserver les Forêts Méditerranéennes

Preserve: a unique ecosystem

Faced with the threats of climate change, fires and deforestation, AIFM is committed to improving forest resilience, restoring degraded ecosystems and protecting biodiversity.

Enhance the value: of a natural and cultural heritage

AIFM works to promote the many services provided by forests, such as climate regulation, soil protection, wood production and recreational activities. We also encourage the development of sustainable forestry sectors and ecotourism.

L'AIFM s'engage à transmettre les connaissances et les savoir-faire liés à la gestion durable des forêts aux générations futures

Transmit: a legacy for future generations

AIFM is committed to passing on knowledge and know-how related to sustainable forest management to future generations. We develop education and awareness programs for the general public, schools and professionals.

By acting on these three fronts, the AIFM contributes to ensuring a sustainable future for Mediterranean forests and guaranteeing their essential role in the balance of our planet.

Join us to preserve, enhance and transmit this exceptional natural heritage!

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Are you a researcher, forest manager or simply passionate about nature? Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest information. You can also contact us if you have any questions or would like to get involved in our projects.

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