Organisation, associative life and partnerships
Organisation of AIFM
AIFM is an association under French law (1901 Act), whose members are individuals or legal entities interested in its field of action.
It is organised around its General Assembly, which brings together all its members, its Board of Directors and its Executive Committee, which ensure the smooth running of the association, and its Secretariat, which implements its activities.
General Assembly
AIFM’s General Assembly comprises all members of the Association. It hears reports on the management of the Board of Directors and on the financial and moral situation of the Association. The members entitled to vote approve the accounts for the past financial year, vote on the budget for the following financial year, deliberate on the matters on the agenda and, if necessary, renew the members of the Board of Directors.
It meets at least once a year and whenever it is convened by the Board of Directors or at the request of at least one quarter of its members. An Ordinary General Meeting may not be held in the same country for 2 consecutive years. The last General Meetings were held in Lisbon (Portugal, 2007), Marseille (France, 2008), Murcia (Spain, 2009), Bari (Italy, 2010), Marseille (France, 2011), Menzel Jemil (Tunisia, 2012), Marseille (France, 2013), Rome (Italy, 2014), Barcelona (Spain, 2015), Antalya (Turkey, 2016), Agadir (Morocco, 2017), Marseille (France, 2018), Broummana (Lebanon, 2019), by correspondence (2020), online (2021), hybrid (2022) and hybrid again in Hammamet (Tunisia, 2023).
Board of Directors
AIFM’s Board of Directors is made up of 10 volunteer members elected at the General Meeting, who define the annual work programme and work to promote AIFM’s influence in the Mediterranean.
As part of its international, Mediterranean dimension, AIFM has set up a Board of Directors that is as representative as possible, with members from eight Mediterranean countries.
Each Board member is elected for 6 years, with elections every 2 years. The Board meets at least once a year.

The secretariat
The secretariat is made up of all AIFM employees.
Associative life
Communication Documents
Statutory Document
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