The 2020 report on sustainable development in the Mediterranean has just come out
The 2020 Report on Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean presents an overview of results achieved for 24 Mediterranean countries extracted from the Sustainable Development Report 2020. It was prepared by a team of experts of the University of Siena – Santa Chiara Lab, as the hosting institution of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the Mediterranean Area (SDSN-Mediterranean).
The Mediterranean Countries Edition is based on indices and indicators presented in the Sustainable Development Report 2020 (Sachs et al. 2020) and partially replicates tables and figures with a specific focus on Mediterranean countries. Compared to the original document, it provides substantial integrations concerning the interpretation of results in the Med Area, their visualisation in the form of maps, and specific recommendations and policies for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Mediterranean region in general presents high environmental, social and cultural challenges. Transnational partnerships, although complicated, are key to deal with them. To this aims, the SDGs analysis can be useful to identify common strategies and share best practices and policies, keeping in mind that gradual progress and policy changes are not enough, and deep transformations are urgent.
The report is available here.
Riccaboni, A., Sachs, J., Cresti, S., Gigliotti, M., Pulselli, R.M. (2020): Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean. Report 2020. Transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Siena: Sustainable Development Solutions Network Mediterranean (SDSN Mediterranean).