FAO published key findings of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has published the key findings of the 2020 edition of the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA2020). This document examines the status and trends of more than 60 forest-related variables in 236 countries and territories for the period 1990-2020 through a network of more than 700 correspondents covering 187 countries and territories.  

To date, the world has a total forest area of 4.06 billion hectares, which is 31 percent of the total land area. More than half (54 percent) of the world’s forests are located in only five countries: the Russian Federation, Brazil, Canada, the United States of America and China.

The key findings are available here

FAO. 2020. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 – Key findings. Rome.

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