Association Internationale des Forêts Méditerranéennes


RECOFORME « Structuring of networks and cooperation activities of the Mediterranean forest » (Interreg IIIB, 2003-2006)

Presentation of the project

The objectives of the project were to address all issues relating to natural and Mediterranean forest to promote sustainable forest management and the environment to better taken into account in policy planning.
The project brought together seven partners from four Mediterranean countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal and France

The project sites have helped to highlight trends and developments:

  • Social changes of Mediterranean forest areas that cause a change in perceptions of the forest and a variety of social demands;
  • The potential not perceived by many decision makers (landscape, recreation, hunting, production …)
  • An increasing concern of citizens vis-à-vis the forest and a rural society that it divests,
  • A lack of institutional recognition resulted in the lack of resources allocated to its management which opposes its high value as a “heritage” and the amenities are recognized by society. 

Recommendations have been made in the Final Declaration of the project :

  • Coherence and coordination of European policies and programs, integration of Mediterranean forest areas and their characteristics in the choice of land management, adaptation of forestry education, promotion a communication and an animation target …;
  • Development of specific and appropriate silvicultural situations;
  • Development of design concepts adapted to the Mediterranean integrators, common indicators, analysis of social demand Mediterranean anticipation of the impacts of climate change impact assessment experiments…;
  • Cooperation between research institutions and training, ongoing partnership with the European Union.

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