Association Internationale des Forêts Méditerranéennes

Report on AIFM’s presence at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

Report on AIFM’s presence at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

The IUCN World Conservation Congress took place from 3 to 11 September 2021 at the Parc Chanot in Marseille. This event of international scope allowed for numerous exchanges concerning the urgent issues related to the challenges of biodiversity erosion and climate change. It was an opportunity to bring together hundreds of environmental actors: states, government agencies, NGOs, indigenous peoples, associations, companies… In total, more than 160 countries were represented!

AIFM represented the interest of Mediterranean forests by holding a stand from September 4 to 9 entitled “AIFM – Forests around the Mediterranean”. A permanent presence was provided at the stand to present the association and its current and future projects to the public, and to exchange with other structures.

AIFM also took the opportunity to present its new brochure to the public on the occasion of its 25th anniversary!

Numerous educational documents and goodies were offered on the booth: bioclimatic and Mediterranean vegetation maps were displayed, as well as a poster of the INHERIT project. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO – provided many educational documents displayed on the stand, and USB keys containing informations from these two structures were distributed to the public. Finally, AIFM was also able to take advantage of the event to promote the XV World Forestry Congress, which will take place in Seoul in 2022!

A very positive outcome to make the association better known to the general public: in total, about 100 USB keys were distributed, and AIFM estimates that 250 visitors came to the stand. Among these visitors, AIFM would like to thank Mrs. Souad Abderrahim, Mayor of Tunis, Mrs. Michèle Rubirola, First Deputy Mayor of Marseille, Mrs. Anne Rudishuhli, Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Councillor for European Affairs, Mr. Emmanuel Ferrier, Deputy for Urban Ecology and Transition in the city of Marseille, Mr. Jean-Luc Bennahmias, former member of the EESC, Mr. Chadi Mohanna, President of the Silva Mediterranea Committee as well as representatives of the Republic of Korea, the Consuls General of Egypt, Senegal and Indonesia, and many others!