Association Internationale des Forêts Méditerranéennes

IUCN French Committee published its technical report on the assessment of Mediterranean forest ecosystems in France

IUCN French Committee published its technical report on the assessment of Mediterranean forest ecosystems in France

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) French Comittee has put online its technical report on the assessment of Mediterranean forest ecosystems in France. This comprehensive report of more than 300 pages applies to the 19 Mediterranean forest ecosystems identified in France the 5 assessment criteria developed by the Red List of Ecosystems (RLE) methodology. Thus, it aims to identify the most vulnerable ecosystems with the highest probability of disappearing. 

The results show that 21% of them are threatened and 37% almost threatened. The main pressures are related to the artificialisation of territories, particularly due to urban sprawl, the introduction of non-native species and climate change, which are responsible for the aridification of the Mediterranean climate and the intensification of fire regimes.  

The report is available here (only available in French).

Comité français de l’UICN, 2020. La Liste Rouge des Écosystèmes en France – Chapitre Forêts méditerranéennes de France métropolitaine, Rapport technique, Paris, France, 301 pages + annexes. ISBN : 978-2-918105-83-1

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