PROFORBIOMED “Promotion of residual forestry biomass in the Mediterranean Basin” (MED, 2011-2014)

Presentation of the project
PROFORBIOMED was a MED project promoting renewable energies (RE) in MED areas by developing an integrated strategy for the use of the forest biomass as a RE source, recovering the forest biomass potential, developing technical and legal aspects and promoting the use of forestry biomass for energy.
The strategy relied on the involvement of key stakeholders in a forestry biomass production chain that takes into account sustainability and compatibility with other uses and provides new economic opportunities.
It had a multi-sectorial dimension, working with public and private stakeholders related to forestry biomass chains at all levels (from European to local) and affecting 5 key policy areas: industry, energy, forests, agriculture and environment.
Pilot actions
Ten pilot actions were undertaken during the implementation of the project:
- Assessment of the structural diversity of forest habitats.
- Development of a geographic information system (SIG) to manage the potential of forest biomass.
- Assessment of the forest biomass production.
- Assessment of the environmental impact of the collection or extraction of forest biomass.
- Development of a traceability system of forest biomass.
- Plots of demonstration of rotation plantations.
- Development of management plans for forest biomass.
- Preparation and feasibility of a biomass central project of small or medium size or heating / cooling in the case of a contracting energy.
- Presentation of current examples of good practice of forest biomass use.
- Development of a social and economic network for the energy use of forest biomass.
- Agency for the promotion of the energy from forest biomass.
- Creation of a web portal to support activities of the Working Group and networking.
- Practical application in the field of the best practices of sustainable forest management.
Results and outputs
The most relevant result is the promotion of renewable energies in rural areas by the development of an integrated strategy for the use of forest biomass, helping MED areas to recover the forest biomass potential, to develop the technical and legal aspects and to involve the key stakeholders in a forestry biomass production chain.
It will foster the development of rural areas by achieving specific results:
- Assessment of the forest biomass available for energy production in a social, economic and environmental sustainable way in MED regions.
- Transfer and adoption of know-how on sustainable forest management including forest biomass production chains and its use as a energy source.
- Improvement of the rural areas governance, development of clusters and agreements between public and private actors in 10 MED regions and the implementation of polices for the development of renewable energies.
- Development of a model of public support to sustainable forest management and biomass production.
- Identification of financing mechanisms for public and private investments.
- Increase of incomes for forest owners through the biomass production chain reducing risks and improving the conservation status
- Creation of new economic opportunities.
On the other hand, it guarantees more secure supply of energy with mobilisation of wood biomass from forests and will enable the adoption of the smart grids concept to the renewable energy chains.
Leaflets, booklets and reports