Association Internationale des Forêts Méditerranéennes

27th General Assembly of AIFM : the statutory report is available!

The statutory report 2021 of the association is available!

The 27th IAMF General Assembly was held on Friday 25 March 2022, in parallel with the 7th Mediterranean Forest Week.
Mediterranean Forest Week.

In a hybrid form, it allowed participants to meet both on site in Antalya, Turkey and online.

Following this Assembly, the AlFM’s 2021 moral report has just been published. This document presents our main
activities of the past year, during which we celebrated our 25th anniversary.

It describes the achievements of the Interreg MED projects INHERIT, RESTOR’MED, MEDLENTISK and MenJEZzine as well as our participation in the IUCN World Conservation Congress.

You can download it here:

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